Extended School Year (ESY) is an under-used and misunderstood part of special education. I've struggled to get my own son with Down syndrome meaningful ESY services. I was told that ESY was just for … [Continue reading]
Empowering Individuals with Down Syndrome at School and Work
by Courtney
Extended School Year (ESY) is an under-used and misunderstood part of special education. I've struggled to get my own son with Down syndrome meaningful ESY services. I was told that ESY was just for … [Continue reading]
by Courtney
I am white. I have a master's degree. I am now firmly upper-middle class. I'm lucky enough to be able to stay home and raise my kids. I spend at least a small percentage of each day … [Continue reading]
by Courtney
11-year-old Salome is a female of color with a disability. English is a second language for her immigrant parents, and her extended family lives far away. Many students like Salome and their families … [Continue reading]
by Courtney
My twin sons attended the same Ohio public preschool class. My son with Down syndrome went for free and received important supports and services like Speech, OT, and PT. The other twin served as a … [Continue reading]
by Courtney
Tis the season to PCS! Your husband is on TDY, so it's up to you and one power of attorney to secure the movers, sell the house, organize all 18,000 pounds of stuff you plan to move, and sell that … [Continue reading]