“I have a dream. It’s a dream deeply rooted in the American dream…”-Martin Luther King
I have a dream one day our sons and daughters with disabilities will be valued as equal members of their community. I have a dream teachers and principals will set high expectations for our children, realizing the value of inclusion with their typical peers.
I have a dream those non-disabled peers will one day become employers and community leaders who provide adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) the opportunities they deserve to fulfill their true potential. That those typical peers will become caregivers, researchers, therapists, and medical professionals who look at people with disabilities, not as a problem to be fixed or eliminated, but as a beautiful expression of humanity to be shared with the world.

On Monday, January 18, 2021, we celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday and are reminded of how interlinked the disability community’s struggle is with the African American community. Without downplaying the abhorrent past of slavery, there’s still a lot of connections to be made. Both movements are struggles for basic human rights: freedom, equality, and justice.
Read Related Post Here: Advocates Urge Congress to Increase Funding for Down Syndrome Research
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 woke up parents of children with disabilities. The public and their representatives in Congress began to understand how segregation and unequal educational opportunities were the anti-thesis to the American dream. Before the 1970s, many children with disabilities were not given the opportunity to attend school at all. As Congress was formulating the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1975, there were 36 pending court cases over the rights of students with disabilities.
More than 30 years after the civil rights movements began, great progress has been made for both black Americans and people with disabilities. The most abusive and neglectful institutions have closed their doors. Courts have expanded their interpretation of the 14th Amendment’s “equal protection clause” to include minorities and those with disabilities. Segregation has legally ended for both groups (including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Rehabilitation Act–including section 504, and IDEA for people with disabilities).
Read Related Post Here: How School Boards are Using Endrew F. Supreme Court Case Against Students with Down Syndrome
But we know, even though both groups have made great gains legally, they still face prejudice and exclusion. Only 16.35% of students with I/DD are included in a regular education classroom with supports for most of their school day. Black students are overrepresented in special education and are more likely to be identified as having an intellectual disability than their white peers. The intersectionality between race and disability is ever apparent.
The Supreme Court recently ruled in Endrew F. that schools must provide a “more meaningful benefit” to students with disabilities, but some school districts and national organizations are interpreting this to mean students with the most significant disabilities must be segregated to earn this benefit. (Read more about this here).
In this highly partisan time it often seems like one step forward and one step back. For example, last year the Department of Justice scrapped ADA guidance that promotes integrated work for people with disabilities. With unemployment for people with I/DD at 75%, this is a step backwards. We need more guidance, not less. (Read more about the rescinded ADA guidance here). Fortunately, the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Raise the Wage Act, which will phase out sub-minimum wages. Click here to email your Senator to support this bill.
Let’s make the year 2021 about fully realizing the rights and humanity of people with disabilities of every race. There’s so much more we can do for and alongside our brothers and sisters with disabilities.
Progress will continue! It will take tireless action from self-advocates and allies. When our government and institutions waver in indecision about full inclusion for our loved ones, we must forge forward. So what can you do this Martin Luther King Day to advocate for someone with Down syndrome?
Call to Action
- Advocate: learn about your student with a disabilities rights and how to advocate at the IEP table by signing up for a FREE webinar here, read online resources or order an advocacy book here, joining the Council of Parent Attorney’s and Advocates here, or the National Down Syndrome Advocacy Coalition (NDAC) here.
- Think College: make it your child’s long-term IEP goal to go to college. There’s more than 260 college options for students with I/DD. Check it out here.
- Donate: give to your local Down syndrome affiliate, or to a specific cause. Global Down Syndrome Foundation has been raising money this year to create updated, evidence-based medical guidelines for adults with Down syndrome. Click here to find out more.
- Legislate: support national legislation to end organ transplant discrimination of people with disabilities. You can read about the state legislation I helped advocate for in Ohio here. Read about the federal bill here.
Thank you for this! I will be re-posting later today. We will be in Olympia on Wednesday for the Reception, hope to see you there!